French New Face Fatou Seck is A Dior Fav

Fatou Seck (@faatouseck)
The Claw (Paris), The Claw (Milan)
Place of Origin:
Paris, France
Ethnic Origin:
Did you always want to be a model? Tell us about how you were discovered.
It never crossed my mind that I could become a model. I was with a friend and I was discovered in a mall in Paris in July 2021.
Most memorable modeling experience so far?
It was my first runway show for Fendi in Paris, I was very anxious but it was an amazing experience.
One song you have on repeat, and why?
I would say all Nicki Minaj’s songs, I can’t choose one in particular since I have a lot on repeat.
What other passions do you have aside from modeling?
I have always cooked a lot with my mother, I love to make different recipes and test with her when everything is ready.
What is something you’ve always wanted to do/try?
Since I’m cooking a lot, I always wanted to star in the TV show Top Chef.
What’s one thing people may be surprised to find out about you?
I’m a shy person so people are always surprised when they find out that my dream is to do skydiving for the adrenaline.
What change would you like to see in the world?
More and more awareness about the climate change, it is really important for the next generations.