It’s All or Nothing For Debuting These Model Rookies
- courtesy Abhay Mishra
- courtesy Abhay Mishra
- courtesy Abhay Mishra
Abhay Mishra (@abhay._.m) — 185 cm / 6’1″ — Indian from Mumbai, India — born December 27th — he/him.
Anon Models (Mumbai – mother agency)
— One thing you never want to do again:
Getting myself into weird relationships and saying lame jokes to my crush is a very cringe thing that I never want to do again.
— What are three interesting facts about you?
I am a quick learner and creative person, and I also play drums professionally.
— The most interesting thing about your family:
My family is very supportive and funny, and sometimes my mother roasts me too.
- courtesy Ahmed Youssef
- courtesy Ahmed Youssef
- courtesy Ahmed Youssef
Ahmed Youssef (@ahmed.ys1) — 189 cm / 6’2.5″ — German from Cairo, Egypt — born April 30th — he/him.
MINT Artist Management (Berlin – mother agent), Fashion Model Management (Milan), Premier Model Management (London)
— What weird or useless talent do you have?
I can cry on command.
— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I was born in Cairo during a power outage in the hospital.
2. There are no half-measures in my life; it’s either all or nothing.
3. I have firm principles to which I always adhere.
— Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire many people who have achieved high goals without social advantages.
- courtesy Kitty Su
- courtesy Kitty Su
- courtesy Kitty Su
Kitty Su (@sickygal) — 175 cm / 5’9″ — Taiwanese from New Taipei City, Taiwan — born August 2nd — she/her.
Zodiac Mother Management (mother agency), Elite New York City, Women Management LA (Los Angeles)
— How did you become a model?
I started considering modeling after I moved to the States in 2016 because I was modeling for fun with friends and local photographers, and I really enjoyed it and felt empowered doing it. I thought about finding an agency, but I was scared to put myself out there because I didn’t see any Asian model my size in the fashion industry, and being a model in Taiwan was never a possibility for me because I am too big for Asian beauty standards. However, in April 2020, during the pandemic, I went back home to Taiwan to escape the madness in the States. I was dumped by a guy, and with everything that was going on, it felt like the end of the world. I thought to myself, “Fu*k it, I should try it before everything’s over,” and I submitted the photos I took by myself on an iPad to many agencies. Then I found Zodiac, whose vision and ethic align with me!
— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I decided to learn English properly because I had a crush on this Disney actor, and I asked my mom to enroll me in an English school.
2. I named myself Kitty when I was a kid! My mom asked what English name I wanted; I chose “Winnie the Pooh” first, but she said the bear is a boy, so I picked Kitty instead.
3. I didn’t know I had natural curly hair until 2020.
— What stresses you out?
Last minute change of plans and deciding which restaurants I want to go to because I get so sad and disappointed when the food tastes bad.
- courtesy Lauretta Nnamani
- courtesy Lauretta Nnamani
- courtesy Lauretta Nnamani
Lauretta Nnamani (@lauretta_nnamani) — 177 cm / 5’9.5″ — Nigerian from Enugu, Nigeria — born March 8th — she/her.
Twenty Fifth Models Nigeria (mother agency), Marilyn Agency (Paris), Independent Model Management (Milan), FIRST Model Management (London), Blow Models (Barcelona), Modelwerk (Hamburg)
— What stresses you out?
A lot of things, actually, but mostly when things do not go according to plan. I know it’s a major part of life, and I’m trying to learn not to stress about things beyond my control and just do the best I can.
— How did you become a model?
I attended an open casting in early 2020, and I got scouted from there. Before that, I knew modeling was something I liked, but I didn’t really know how to go about it. But whenever my friends or people I knew were doing a shoot, I would participate.
— Who is your favorite entertainer?
Beyoncé!! I mean, I personally think she should be everyone’s favorite entertainer. One of the many things I love about her is her work ethic and dedication to excellence. Every single thing she does exudes excellence, and that’s something I really admire.
- courtesy Lisa Kazarina
- courtesy Lisa Kazarina
- courtesy Lisa Kazarina
Lisa Kazarina (@elisakazarina) — 176 cm / 5’9.5″ — Russian from Moscow, Russia — born February 4th — she/her.
Meka Models (Bucharest – mother agency)
— What’s a story your family/friends like to tell about you?
My first words when I was ten months old were, “stop yelling.” My mom was having fun at home with her older sisters, and they were pillow fighting and squealing. I never cried and rarely made sounds, so my family was shocked to hear this phrase, especially from a baby. This is the story my family tells every time we get together.
— Who is your favorite entertainer?
Opera singer Barbara Hendricks. Her voice sounds like a lullaby. I listen to her arias on days when it is especially hard for me, and it really helps me unwind.
— If you could talk to your younger self, what advice would you give?
You are the most important person you have. You’re doing the right thing; keep it up.
- courtesy Noah Weinbren
- courtesy Noah Weinbren
- courtesy Noah Weinbren
Noah Weinbren (@noahweinbren) — 184 cm / 6’0.5″ — Australian from Sydney, Australia — born January 7th — he/him.
Kult Australia (Sydney – mother agency)
— How did you become a model?
Through the universe doing its thing. I met a girl, now one of my best friends, at a party. We ended up hanging out during the summer, and one day, she posted a photo of me at the beach, which her agency saw. The rest is history!
— What weird or useless talent do you have?
My burps are like thunderstorms. I’m honestly convinced I could be in the Guinness World Records for burp decibels.
— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I was an absolute nerd in high school and still am. I love science because knowing how the world around you works can really change your perspective on life.
2. I am obsessed with succulents. Like hundreds growing in my front garden obsessed.
3. Being outdoors is my equivalent of doing drugs. Being in the sun, surrounded by the ocean, plants, and animals, makes me happy, and it is the only time I feel that completely at peace.