Freshly Scouted, These New Faces Are Ready to Make Your Acquaintance


Lorena Sanchez; 179 cm / 5’10.5″; Brazilian from São Paulo, Brazil; born April 30th.

Mix Models Agency (Rio de Janeiro – mother agency)

— What are three interesting facts about you? 
Well, I am very connected to nature, I love to visit tropical places, just as I love to travel. And another curiosity about me is that when I was a child I tried to roller skate and I have a scar from an almost imperceptible fall on my face; that day was super embarrassing. Another fact is that I love modeling, I love my work, it’s my passion!

— The best and worst aspects of your personality?
I am very eclectic in everything, I love different types of music and I am very versatile in style of clothes too. I am quite malleable, so sometimes I end up liking so many things, this is one of the best and worst aspects, versatility.

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I take a lot of things into consideration, especially about a future that brings more care for the environment; and I am always attentive to climatic causes.


Godswill Peter; 186 cm / 6’1″; Nigerian from Port Harcourt, Nigeria; born May 18th.

Lit Model Management (Port Harcourt – mother agency)

— Who is someone you admire and why?
I admire Travis Scott a lot cause I love his mode of dressing and sense of fashion too.

— How and when did you become a model?
While walking to school I was scouted by a scout who introduced me to my mother agency. I’m still learning about this as it’s entirely new to me.

— Among your friends or family, what are you famous for? 
Ok, I am actually good at playing football so I am really famous for that reason.


Maxilie Thulfaut; 180 cm / 5’11”; German from Düsseldorf, Germany; born June 7th.

No Toys (Düsseldorf – mother agency), Titanium Management (Paris), Fashion Model Management (Milan), Titanium Management (London),

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I love learning new things and I am pretty good at memorizing things or learning them by heart. My plan for the future is to go to university and study law.

— Who is someone you admire and why:
Both of my parents. They are the most supportive, caring and loving (& funny) people ever and I am so grateful to have them. Some day, I will try hard to follow their example in being a similarly amazing parent to my future children! I also truly admire my little brother for his balanced and lovable personality. He does not always have an easy time with me as a sister!

— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I spent the most and happiest time of my youth outside at the stable riding and training my beloved Icelandic horses. I practiced and did some competitions – in 2018, I even became German Champion with my horse!
2. Whenever my face is in the sun for a few minutes, I feel like one can literally watch my freckles popping out and becoming more visible and intense.
3. I am the worst singer ever.


Fabricio Santana; 188 cm / 6’2″; Brazilian from São Paulo, Brazil; born September 26th.

Q Model Management NY (New York – mother agency)

— The most interesting thing about your family?
My family is in the business of wine – when I was young I can remember going to the winery and stepping on grapes to separate the pulps from the skins – I did this with my two sisters and 1 brother.

— What is something you wish you knew more about?
Politics – the sad events that are happening around the world and in my homeland of Brazil – it is our duty to go deeper, understand the mistakes and be the changes we want to be/see.

— What are three interesting facts about you?
1. I am a very good listener and advisor – all of my family and friends come to me for advice.
2. At 15 I went through a very complicated surgery I had to spend 1 week with no food or water – only being fed with tubes.
3. I am a very superstitious person – I only leave even numbers on the TV/radio volume control; I blow cinnamon every first day of the month at the door and I never walk under a ladder.


Sarah Wein; 178 cm / 5’10”; German from Kassel, Germany; born February 28th.

HER Management (Hamburg – mother agency)

— Something you are self-conscious about:
My nose. It was a long way to self-love and now my nose is a part of my body I like the most.

— What are three interesting facts about you?
I speak Hungarian and am really into art and literature. Also, I’m starting my own fashion design business.

— What is something you wish you knew more about?
Definitely more about history! I am constantly searching for connections between now and then, my art designs and what I am reading about, etc.


Jesper Chai; 186 cm / 6’1″; Malaysian from ; born November 30th.

Basic Models Management (Singapore – mother agency), BOOM Models Agency (Milan)

— One thing people may be surprised to find out about you:
I was a badminton state player back in my school days. But then I hurt my back during a match, and since then I was told that I can’t take part in any competition anymore.

— An issue or cause you are passionate about:
Neglected or abandoned pets, although I can’t really adopt any by myself at the moment, I’ve made a few donations to the local organizations and I would definitely support them as much as I can.

— Who is your favorite entertainer?
Queen! They are legends! They are incredibly talented, irreplaceable even until now! And the fact that they were very determined in what they wanna do in their music and they didn’t really care about what others think or say about them! That is the spirit I really admired and I’m still learning. 

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