A Cute Summer Hiking Outfit for a Casual Summer Hike

Casual Summer Hiking Outfit
Last weekend Peter and I went hiking with his family for Peter’s birthday. We visited Bass Lake and did a short hike around a beautiful creek. It was a wonderful day, and we loved spending some time outdoors.
First off I should mention that this is my version of a hiking outfit. If you want specific details on what to wear hiking on a long hike or more strenuous hike make sure to check out this great post I found on this sporting website. This hiking outfit is mean more for a casual day outdoors nothing too extreme.
Since we went hiking at the end of summer, we didn’t need many layers but still wanted to stay covered up because of bugs and sun.
I wanted this hiking outfit to come across casual but still cute and stylish. I don’t hike much, so I don’t have “real” hiking clothes or hiking boots. I pulled together items that I believed looked like hiking clothes and would be comfortable for a full day of walking around.
One of the most important items in your hiking outfit is the shoes! They need to be comfortable, durable and should stand up to the conditions you’re going to be hiking around in. Where we were hiking, it was kind of dry and sturdy, so we didn’t need any pick boots or super Gore-Tx boots.
I did wear sturdy CAT boots that are very comfortable and grippy. The boots were perfect for hiking around the rocky creek. With the boots, I wore dark wash skinny jeans, white tank top and a plaid button up shirt. Of course, sun protection is important, so some hat is a must! I wore a Boston ball cap we bought at Fenway Park! Currently my favorite cap.
When putting together your summer hiking outfit make sure you wear comfortable and adequate shoes and dress properly for the weather.
Stay Stylish,